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Transitioning Your Home for Fall

Now that Fall is here, Winter isn’t far behind.

Before the temperature drops, here are some great tips for transitioning your home – both inside and out – for the cooler months ahead.

Stop tripping over your flip-flops!
Now is the time to pack away all your summer gear to make room for your cool weather clothes and footwear. Find a good place to tuck away all the pool noodles and beach towels so you have room for bulky jackets and boots.

On the west coast we don’t always get snow, but we are guaranteed a lot of rain so make sure you have a space for wet clothing to be hung and dry.

Get the crackpot out and start looking at Pinterest for recipes you can make in bulk and freeze. On nights when everyone is hungry, it’s already dark and nobody is motivated to cook, future you will be grateful for these fast and easy freezer meals!

We love this handy chart with a lot of advice and tips for home-owners. Would you add anything?

Transitioning your home for Fall - Greens Moving Solutions

A little bit of thoughtful pro-active organization can save you money and stress in the long run. As movers, we know that to be true year-round. If you’re making a move this Fall and need experienced and honest movers to transport your life from one home to the next, give us a call!

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